I have error with Photon Voice

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I have error with Photon Voice

2023-01-14 15:18:11

Hello. When I added photon voice for my Photon Pun project i have these errors:

[2023-01-14T15:12:54] [ERROR] [INIT] [] Provide an AppId or a Server address in Settings to be able to connect

UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat (string,object[])

Photon.Voice.Unity.UnityLogger:Log (ExitGames.Client.Photon.DebugLevel,UnityEngine.Object,string,string,string,object[]) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/VoiceLogger.cs:93)

Photon.Voice.Unity.VoiceComponentImpl/LoggerImpl:Log (ExitGames.Client.Photon.DebugLevel,string,object[]) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/VoiceComponent.cs:77)

Photon.Voice.Unity.VoiceComponentImpl/LoggerImpl:LogError (string,object[]) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/VoiceComponent.cs:83)

Photon.Voice.Unity.VoiceConnection:ConnectUsingSettings (Photon.Realtime.AppSettings) (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/UnityVoiceClient.cs:256)

Photon.Voice.Unity.UtilityScripts.ConnectAndJoin:ConnectNow () (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/UtilityScripts/ConnectAndJoin.cs:66)

Photon.Voice.Unity.UtilityScripts.ConnectAndJoin:OnEnable () (at Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice/Code/UtilityScripts/ConnectAndJoin.cs:55)

However, I have added AppId to both Id PUN and Id Chat


2023-01-15 22:39:51


you need to provide also Photon Voice AppID, there should be a field for it in PhotonServerSettings (in Unity - Window>Photon Unity Networking>Highlight server settings)

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