When I try to join some room with roomName ,I get this error,please,help me


failed to find a photonview with id=1 for incoming ownershipupdate event (newowneractornumber=1), sender=1. if you load scenes, make sure to pause the message queue.

I just call the following Method : PhotonNetwork.JoinRoom(RoomInfo.Name)

but when I use PhotonNetwork.CreateOrJoinRoom it works

I use pun 2.41 version

Best Answer

  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    A PhotonView.ViewID can only be 1 for "scene PhotonViews". So maybe the other loaded a scene with a PhotonView, took ownership and tries to tell you about it.

    This might be related.


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    A PhotonView.ViewID can only be 1 for "scene PhotonViews". So maybe the other loaded a scene with a PhotonView, took ownership and tries to tell you about it.

    This might be related.

  • QT2022

    hey,I have a scene photon view with view ID 1 but it's at the same scene

  • QT2022

    Hey,But I have a loaded one scene in game and I don't understand why it should print this error,and why it doesn't do when I use PhotonNetwork.CreateOrJoinRoom

  • QT2022

    I just find the problem is it that photonview gameobject is not active in hierarchy and PhotonHandler doesn't find it but I have another problem even if I activate the gameobject I doesn't get any server join request response my loading works infinitely