Runner.Spawn is empty?
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Runner.Spawn is empty?
2022-12-06 23:55:14
Sometimes the pickUp is empty.
var pickUp = Runner.Spawn(pickup, transform.position, transform.rotation,Object.InputAuthority,BeforePickupSpawned);
This is often the case with clients
Thanks to discord popo for replying.
- On a client in hosted or client/server mode, the default action is that nothing will happen and that the call will return null.
The reason for being null is explained here. I hope it helps you
Global cross platform multiplayer game backend as a service (SaaS, Cloud) for synchronous and asynchronous games and applications. SDKs are available for android, iOS, .NET., Mac OS, Unity 3D, Windows, Unreal Engine, HTML5 and others.
Spawn seems to be called from the used Client and Host. It is null on the Client and not null on the Host.