Connection Error - Need documentation

edited October 2012 in Native

I am looking for a detailed description of what this error is about, but can't seem to find anything.

ExitGames::PeerBase::connect() line: 150 - failed: Peer is already connected!

I get this error randomly while trying to connect to the lobby using the LoadBalancing app. Usually everything works fine, but sometimes this becomes a real problem.

Where can I find documentation on this? If there is none, can you explain what circumstances might result in this error, and what I can do to prevent it or reduce it?

Thank You,
Kurt Serge


  • Kaiserludi
    Well, I would call this error message pretty much self documenting:
    The connect fails, because you are already connected. What you can do, to not let this happen is simply not trying to connect, if you are already connected. You can check the state property, to see, if you are currently in a connected state or not.