Documentation errors



  • uweenukr
    URL: ... logtimeout

    protected override void OnDisconnect(DisconnectReason reasonCode, string reasonDetail)

    Current Version:
    protected override void OnDisconnect(DisconnectReason disconnectCode, string reasonDetail)

    URL: ... perations/

    OperationRequest request

    Current Version:
  • Markus
    Thanks for the report.

    Client SDKs can now be downloaded from

    and for Photon Server/OnPremise

    Watch out for new downloads for Photon Chat and Photon Turnbased shortly.
  • Hi, there is old code shown on this doc page, and possibly others with similar content, which is instructing people to use code that will throw errors in many cases.

    Instructions on how to access the lobby list use the object Room which will often throw a "cannot parse to target..." error. I came across this old fix on the unity forums, but it has not been fixed in all the demos/docs.

    [code2=csharp]foreach (Room game in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
    GUILayout.Label( + " " + game.playerCount + "/" + game.maxPlayers);

    needs to be

    [code2=csharp]foreach (RoomInfo room in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
    GUILayout.Label(room .name + " " + room .playerCount + "/" + room .maxPlayers);
  • Thanks braza & DMTSource. Both are now fixed.
  • I might be losing my mind at this point, but I think there's a typo on the Marco Polo tutorial:

    I'm at the point where I'm adding the ThirdPersonController script to my prefab, and I came across this line in your text:
    Again, some "standard" Unity work: Add the myThirdPersonController to the "monsterprefab". The animations will be missing, so add them by dropping each on the respective field. Drag and drop the prefab's Transform (top most prefab component) to the "Buik" field.

    For the life of me, I couldn't find the "Buik" field. At first, I thought it read "Bulk" field, but I couldn't find that either on the script. Forgive me if this is something a Unity developer would know easily... I'm new to a lot of the concepts in Unity. That said, I've googled all around and couldn't find anything that matches up with what the "Buik" field is supposed to be referring.

    Any help here?
  • Tobias
    Downloaded our MonsterForPun.unitypackage and you will find the myThirdPersonController included. Add this component to the monsterprefab. The "buik" field (don't know what it really means) is the lonely input field with a selector dot next to it, in the middle of all the numbers-based values.
  • dontonka

    While navigating in the Forum I can see that PUN 1.28.3 is out. I'm currently using 1.25.x, I was looking for the changes between this version, but from that page only see until 1.27, is it normal? Where can i found the full release notes. ... on-history

    Don T.
  • Tobias
    It is "normal" in the sense that we don't automatically update that change list. Sorry, it's simply outdated.
    Thanks for the heads up.

    The missing info of 1.28:
    v1.28.3 (16. October 2014)
    Fixed: Project files in Asset Store.

    v1.28.2 (13. October 2014)
    Fixed: PUN now loads the new PunSceneSettingsFile no matter where it is in the project. It can be relocated but it gets by default created next to the PunSceneSettings.cs.
    Updated: Included .chm and .pdf documentation files.

    v1.28.1 (26. September 2014)
    Fixed: PhotonViewID assignment. This got broken in a subtle way when we added the PunSceneSettings file. Please update. For each scene with any PhotonView in, edit at least one PhotonView.viewID in the inspector and save the scene.

    v1.28 (23. September 2014)
    Changed: Compile conditions for WII U should work now! The demos don't run out of the box on Wii U though. You need to adjust some screen settings to get the GUI and input right.
    Changed: Ping on native platforms does not disconnect PUN anymore.
    Updated: FindFriends documentation.
    Added: PunSceneSettings. This allows you to define the minimum value for ViewIDs per scene-file name. This helps to avoid clashes between ViewIDs when switching scenes or loading multiple incrementally. A PunSceneSettingsFile is created and only used in the Editor. Add names of scenes and their minimum ViewID value. Any scene that is not entered, begins at 0. You must edit at any PhotonView in each scene to correct the scene-views! Save the scenes.
    Updated: To library v4.0.0.5 which fixes a problem with CRC Checking and reduces the amount of logging it does. See details in the separate release history file.
  • Arm
    Hi. I have two errors to report. (I hope posting them together is fine).

    Documentation Error 1

    I downloaded and installed Photon Server within the last month, into c:\photon, as per the up-and-running in five minutes video. In c:\photon\doc\ is a file called photon-readme.pdf, (which internally is dated from February 2013), and all of the links towards the end of the document are wrong.

    For example, it links to LoadBalancing as:
    but I think it should be:

    and it lists the MMO server as: Application
    which perhaps should point to:

    Documentation Error 2

    "Error" is too strong a word for this one, as it is subjective. I am coming at using Photon Server from programming in C# in Unity for the last few months, and haven't earnestly used Visual Studio in ten years.

    On the Photon Server pages (, there are several tutorials listed:

    - An App From Scratch
    - Hello World, Part 1
    - Hello World, Part 2
    - Adding Operations
    - Unity Island Demo
    - Server-To-Server Introduction

    I believe the "App From Scratch" tutorial should follow those "Hello World" tutorials.

    In the first set of instructions in the App From Scratch Tutorial, we are told to:
    - Using Visual Studio, create a new class library project ChatServer.
    - Add references to ExitGamesLibs.dll, Photon.SocketServer.dll and PhotonHostRuntimeInterfaces.dll.
    I didn't have a clue what it was talking about. (This tripped me up now, as well as two or three months ago when I looked at it previously).

    Fortunately, after a few confused minutes, I skipped it and went to the "Hello World, Part 1" tutorial, which very explicitly detailed a similar process. After I finished the Hello World tutorials, I was able to come back to the App From Scratch tutorial and benefit from it.

    So, as I said, it is subjective, but I'd consider this an "error in sequencing" and suggest that either the Hello World tutorials should be listed first, or that the App From Scratch tutorial should have a lot of details added at the start for someone who is new to C# development in a contemporary version of Visual Studio.
  • B4c0n

    I found in error in the documentation for extending the dashboard.


    Under "Extending the Photon Dashboard/ Graph renderer" it mentions that for every custom counter you need to add an item to the Graph.xml which was removed from the SDK on account of it being obsolete (mentioned in the Version History/ Photon SDK 3.4.28 ).
  • sljd
    When importing MonsterForPun.unitypackage in the Marco Polo Tutorial, it throws errors and I cannot build the game:

    Assets/Monstergame/Resources/Scripts/CharacterControl.js(61,9): BCE0048: Type 'UnityEngine.Component' does not support slicing.
    Assets/Monstergame/Resources/Scripts/myThirdPersonController.js(362,25): BCE0048: Type 'UnityEngine.Component' does not support slicing.

    I am using Unity 5.3.1f1
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @sljd,

    Thank you for reporting this.
    However, I'm not sure this is a documentation error.

    The fix is available in this discussion.