Rotation not working when using set Parent and Network Transform Anchoring

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Rotation not working when using set Parent and Network Transform Anchoring

2022-08-19 22:02:36

If I am trying to parent a network object(for example a new weapon) to a player, is using Set parent and Network Transform Anchors the way to go?

I ask because when I do this the object does get parented but the rotation doesn't work on the clients side for me.



2022-08-29 13:00:20

Are you on the latest SDK version?

Generally, there is very little reason to parent an NO like that - just use a local gameobject to represent the parented weapon and let whatever state it needs be on the parent object. Presumably the weapon (when not in the players hand), isn't functionally a weapon anyway? It's just a prop waiting to be picked up.

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