Scene Loading Documentation



I'm working on Scene Loading but I can't find API documentation on INetworkSceneManager, NetworkSceneManagerDefault, etc.

The scene loading docs here:

Only has the simplistic SetActiveScene or a complex completely custom implementation. I'd like to just have async scene loading so I can implement a simple loading screen. The docs state "The NetworkSceneManagerDefault class may be also extended by using the available overrides to create a most customized Scene Manager behaviour." but I can't find what these overrides are or how to use them.


  • Isaac_Augusto
    edited August 2022


    You can use the OnSceneLoadStart and OnSceneLoadDone callback (From INetworkRunnerCallbacks) to make a loading screen on your game, there's no need to make a custom scene loading manager for that.

    The overrides you can do on NetworkSceneManagerDefault are all the virtual methods it implements. But you should understand what they do before overriding it. A simple override of the default implementation is present on the Aplication loop sample as MapLoader.cs


    Isaac Augusto

    Photon Fusion Team

  • Malcolm

    Thanks, I think I can do what I want with that.