Migration from FUN with issues


I am developing a metaverse, today we use PUN and it has worked very well.

Position synchronization, connection between rooms, object management and temporal update for all players.

I'm in the process of migrating to support more players, I think FUSION will be the best technology.

I'm following this example based on - https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/fusion/current/fusion-100/overview

And following the full documentation:

Following the documentation https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/fusion/current/getting-started/coming-from-pun.

At the moment I'm having some difficulties in making the migration, I tested with different configurations and methods.

Some cases getting inputs only locally in shared mode (in this example, the first player logged in would normally update the position for the other players, but the other players could not move).

Other times I've tested the input using Network Input.

It worked with the first player, the second started falling off the map.

I think the shared mode would be better for the project, as we thought about putting at least 100 players in the same room.

Is there any sample that explains the proper way to migrate from PUN to Fusion?

To make it easier, I'll organize my questions:

- Taking into account that we are using PUN and our goal of online players in each room is at least 100, is the shared mode correct? If not, which mode is best?

- Is there any sample that demonstrates the correct way to migrate from PUN to FUSION?

- I would like to continue managing player inputs locally and just send the location update to other players. What's the best way to do this? I tested it with NetworkObject.HasInputAuthority and it hasn't worked properly.
