RPC method not found on obeject?

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RPC method not found on obeject?

2022-07-16 07:08:07

I am trying to add synchronization and visibility to the bullets my two players are shooting and for some reason, I am getting the error "RPC method 'Shoot()' not found on object with PhotonView 2001. Implement as non-static. Apply [PunRPC]. Components on children are not found. Return type must be void or IEnumerator (if you enable RunRpcCoroutines). RPCs are a one-way message."

My code seems to be correct, I do not have a photonView script on my bullet prefab only the player so I am a bit confused as to why this is occuring.

My code:

// Update is called once per frame

void Update()





void PlayerShoot()


if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && coolingDown.coolingDown == false)


photonView.RPC("Shoot", RpcTarget.All, null);




[PunRPC] void Shoot()


if(Time.time - lastShot < shootSpeed)




lastShot = Time.time;

Rigidbody clone;

clone = Instantiate(projectile, lwattackPoint.position, transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler (90f, 0f, 0f));

clone = Instantiate(projectile, rwattackPoint.position, transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler (90f, 0f, 0f));



2022-07-18 09:41:26

Check which object the photonView points at. It is maybe an object that doesn't have the Shoot method.

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