how to set the server address of ue4 demo for photon realtime?

edited July 2022 in Native

I'm trying to run the unreal engine demo according to, but I'm not sure how to set the server address in the PhotonLBClient->Demo settings. Could anyone help me to figure it out? Thanks a lot!


  • Kaiserludi
    Kaiserludi admin
    edited July 2022

    Hi @vanciHu.

    If you want to connect to Photon Cloud, then just leave it blank or keep it at the default value. In both cases the demo will connect to the default address, which happens to be Photon Cloud.

    If you run your own server, then set it to the public IP address of the machine on which you run Photon server (you can look up that address in Photon Control).


    As this is about the Photon C++ Client and not about Photon Server, I am moving this topic into the 'native' category. Please pay attention to always post your topics in the correct category of the forum or the person who can answer them best might not see them. i.e. the guys writing the server side code are not familiar with the Unreal demo.