Objects Spawning Incorrectly In Shared Mode


Hello, I recently converted my project from PUN2 to Fusion and have been having an issue spawning objects in shared mode.


When spawning networked objects in shared mode (this issue is not present in client/server mode) there is chance that they will lose their state authority and be teleported to a new location (usually the world origin at (0,0,0)), if they have a rigidbody component it will have "kinematic" set to true, gravity set to false, its drag and angular drag set to 0, and its mass set to the minimum value Unity allows (presumably it was set to 0 and was clamped by Unity). The chance of this happening appears to increase with the number of networked objects in the scene, the number of objects being spawned within a short time of each other, and the number of networkrigidbody components on the spawned object. This issue primarily affects objects with networkrigidbody components.


To confirm the issue wasn't just with my project, I changed the "Fusion-HelloFusionVR" project to start in shared mode instead of client/server and spawned the default grabbable cubes in a loop. The attached GIF shows the cubes being spawned with the failed ones disappearing before they hit the ground and instead appearing in a stationary blob to the right. In this case I spawned the cubes in FixedUpdateNetwork as the documentation recommended, but I have experienced the same issue when using FixedUpdate, Coroutines, and manually triggered spawning.

I need reliable object spawning for my project to work and have had little success developing systems to find and replace these broken objects.

Any help would be appreciated!