Access violation when calling Runner.Spawn<T> on server


I'm having an issue when calling Spawn<T> from my server build. I'm trying to spawn a BotEntity, which is an NB with an NO component, basically the same setup as KartEntity from the kart sample project. I'm getting this access violation error and the server crashes.

I'm getting the reference to the prefab via a non-networked singleton similar to the ResourceManager in the kart sample. If I try using Spawn on prefab.Object I received an error stating 'prefab can't be null.' If I try prefab.GetComponent<NetworkObject> I receive the same access violation and crash. The prefab is marked IsSpawnable and exists in the Object Table.

This is on a dedicated Windows server build in Unity 2021.3.3f1 and Fusion 1.1.1 Nightly 510.

Any ideas on what may be causing this? Things I should check to ensure I'm handling this scenario properly?