Hi! I am using photon with unity and im trying to sync players skins and hats, But it doesn't work.

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Hi! I am using photon with unity and im trying to sync players skins and hats, But it doesn't work.

2022-06-09 05:38:56

Any suggestion? I alredy tried so many solutions. Here is my code

public SpriteRenderer Skin;

private SpriteRenderer Hat;

public bool online;

ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable playerProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();

Player player;

PhotonView pView;

public PhotonView skPview;

private void Start()


Hat = GetComponent();

if (!online)


if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("actualHat"))


Hat.sprite =



if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("actualSkin"))

Skin.sprite = Container.staticSkins[Container.OrderS[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualSkin")]];




playerProperties["skin"] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualSkin");

playerProperties["hat"] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualHat");


pView = GetComponent();




void LoadHat()


if (pView.IsMine && skPview.IsMine)



playerProperties.Add("skin", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualSkin"));

playerProperties.Add("hat", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualHat"));


Hat.sprite = Container.staticHats[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualHat")];

Skin.sprite = Container.staticSkins[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("actualSkin")];





player = pView.Owner;

Hat.sprite = Container.staticHats[(int)player.CustomProperties["actualHat"]];

Skin.sprite = Container.staticSkins[(int)player.CustomProperties["actualSkin"]];




2022-06-16 22:24:17

I may be misunderstanding your goal, so assuming that you only need to do this once when they first spawn or join a room or on some other type of "one-time" action, then you could probably use RaiseEvent (or RPC) and send an ID to all the other players about your skin, hat, and any other cosmetics or items specific to your players - one thing to keep in mind, is try to minimize the amount of data being sent through either a RPC or RaiseEvent, an int (or byte) ID might be best in this case - for example (using ScriptableObjects):

public class FancyHat : ScriptableObject


public int ID;

public string name;

//anything else you might need to know about a hat


public class PlayerCosmetics : MonoBehaviour //this would be whatever script exists on your players intended to send out their cosmetic hat choices


public List allHatsInGame = new List();

public FancyHat playerHat;

void Start()


PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(someByteValue, playerHat.ID, PhotonTargets.Others);


void OnEnable()




void OnDisable()




void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)


byte eventCode = photonEvent.Code;

if (eventCode == someByteValue)


int data = (int)photonEvent.CustomData; //if you need to send more than just 1 ID over, this can be of type object[] instead

if(!photonView.isMine){playerHat = GetHat(data);} //at this point, you can check playerHat and do whatever you need locally - spawn a object, set a texture, etc



public FancyHat GetHat(int ID) {return allHatsInGame.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == ID);} //requires using System.Linq; this can also be done with a for-loop


(this is just some example code, it may not work verbatim)

Since every player would have the same ScriptableObject data in their version of the game, you can do a local lookup for the ID with Linq and get the relevant skin/hat textures/models/sounds/etc you might need, as long as you have a list of your scriptable objects/hats/skins/etc - it doesnt HAVE to be a ScriptableObject, it could be a serialized class or just a regular data class as long as you can make a list of it and have some way of setting/assigning the ID's and project assets - here is the docs for RaiseEvent as well, if you are unfamiliar with them: https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/pun/current/gameplay/rpcsandraiseevent

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