Players not ending up in the same room


I'm making a small multi-user app for Hololens2. I'm testing the same build with two devices and in Unity editor.

I connect using this:

RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();

roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 10;

roomOptions.IsVisible = false;

PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom(roomName, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);

Sometimes, both devices end in the same session, but quite often not! I can tell from the playercount on each device (and lack of instantiating). why/when would a player not get into the same sesion, even if you "hardcode" the room name?


  • Tobias

    Make sure the UserId is different for both clients and that they are connected to the same region, app and appversion.

    See this Matchmaking Check List for all the things to check.