PUN2(WebGL building) not working on Safari


I have built MMO game with WebGL version.

It works fine on Chrome and Firefox web browser, but on Safari MMO function doesn't work.

Is PUN2 not compatible with Safari Browser?


  • Tobias

    There is no known incompatibility but then again, I think we don't check Safari all that often.

    In the end, however, PUN 2 is just C# code and Unity is compiling it into WebAssembly to run in the browser. So to a large degree, we depend on the capabilities of Unity and Safari to make this work.

    If you didn't update PUN 2 in a while: Check if you can update.

    Enable the SupportLogger in the PhotonServerSettings. Run this in Safari and check for Exceptions and Error logs. In doubt, upload the console log (entirely) to some place we can access, then mail us the link to: developer@photonengine.com.