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Fusion: OnOwnershipRequest equivalent?

2022-06-07 01:06:16

Hello all,

In PUN, I could implement IPunOwnershipCallbacks and add some complex logic to OnOwnershipRequest to determine if the ownership can be transferred. From there, targetView.TransferOwnership() did the trick.

However, I'm having trouble finding the equivalent of this in Fusion. It seems like NetworkObject.StateAuthority only allows authority transfer if the object doesn't already have an authority. It doesn't seem to expose any functionality to let the user implement custom logic to determine if the transfer should occur or not. Am I missing something?

Thank you all in advance.


2022-07-19 20:19:22

Hi @mertb ,

It will depend on which mode you are using:

  • ClientServer Mode: the Server is always the state authority, and it can't be transferred.

Shared Mode: there is a toggle named Allow State Authority Override on the NetworkObject

  • component that allows another Player to get State Authority over it without the current State Auth Player allowing it. If this is disabled, then the Player needs to release the Authority first. Yes, at the moment there is not a way to implement a check as you described, but what you can do is just have this option disabled, and only release the Authority based on any custom logic you have, so another Player can pick it up from there.


Ramon Melo

Photon Fusion Team

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