Response 230
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2022-05-27 06:23:43
I am stringing together Playfab, Opsive, and Photon.
I am using Playfab authentication as described:
This results in a success and I am setting the AuthValues as shown below:
private void AuthenticateWithPhoton(GetPhotonAuthenticationTokenResult obj)
var customAuth = new AuthenticationValues { AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom };
customAuth.AddAuthParameter("username", _playFabPlayerIdCache); // expected by PlayFab custom auth service
customAuth.AddAuthParameter("token", obj.PhotonCustomAuthenticationToken);
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = customAuth;
Then in the Photon.Realtime.LoadBalancingPeer the setting is applied:
opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationType] = (byte)authValues.AuthType;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.AuthGetParameters))
opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationParams] = authValues.AuthGetParameters;
The result is "Response 230: ReturnCode: 32755 (CustomAuth service error: Error)".
I have tried to set opParameters[ParameterCode.UserId] but this did not change the result.
Found the issue.
I believe the following error indicates that Photon was not able to verify the customauth with the endpoint specified in Photon.
Response 230: ReturnCode: 32755 (CustomAuth service error: Error)
For me, the endpoint had a simple typo so was not valid. I updated and things started to work. Yay!
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