Raise Event alternative in Fusion?

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Raise Event alternative in Fusion?

2022-05-27 04:39:22

Hi. I have a game developed in PUN 2 and I will be porting it to Fusion.

I am using "PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent". What will be its alternative in Fusion?


2022-06-30 11:52:19

Hi @kashiftasneempro ,

First of all, you should avoid using any kind of ReiseEvent, which in Fusion can be translated into the use of RPCs, as they are not part of the Game State, and will not be sent to any late joiners.

We suggest relying on data that is part of the Game State (is described as Networked property of a NetworkObject) instead. And just adjusting and reacting to the changes.

If you want to send a piece of information to another peer, as said, you can use RPCs, take a look here for more info: https://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/fusion/current/manual/rpc


Ramon Melo

Photon Fusion Team

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