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InvalidOperationException: Failed to bind socket to [Address Ip= Port=9999]

2022-04-30 07:57:19

I'm getting

InvalidOperationException: Failed to bind socket to [Address Ip= Port=9999]

on a standalone client when trying to connect to a dedicated/headless server, I'll put the code snippets I'm using for server/client below, but would love any advice on what I might be doing wrong here...

var result = await runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs { Address = NetAddress.LocalhostIPv4(port: 9999), GameMode = GameMode.Server, Scene = sceneIndex, SceneObjectProvider = NetworkSceneManager.Instance });

_runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs { Address = NetAddress.LocalhostIPv4(port: 9999), GameMode = GameMode.Client, SceneObjectProvider = NetworkSceneManager.Instance });


2022-06-15 15:04:15

Hi @AlCaTrAzz ,

The "Address" argument ( is the local EndPoint where the peer will Bind (

In your case, you are trying to bind two peers at the exact same port, which is not possible.

Usually, you don't need to worry about IP/Ports, as all the connection is handled by Fusion itself.

Or, if you still need to bind the peers, just choose different ports. If you don't set one, Fusion will pick a random available port.


Ramon Melo

Photon Fusion Team

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