OnInput not call
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OnInput not call
2022-04-27 17:47:39
Hello Fusion Team
For example Fusion 100, I make "Player.cs" inherit from INetworkRunnerCallbacks
public class Player : NetworkBehaviour,INetworkRunnerCallbacks
I see OnInput in file "Player.cs"don't call. it only call in file "BasicSpawner.cs".
When spawn Player i see we have set InputAuthority
NetworkObject networkPlayerObject = runner.Spawn(_playerPrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity, player);
Why it happens ?
INetworkRunnerCallbacks will automatically be found by the NetworkRunner if your component is on the same object as the NetworkRunner. However If this component is NOT on the same GameObject as your NetworkRunner, you will need to register your component for callbacks using Runner.AddCallbacks(INetworkRunner).
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