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Is there a way to handle re-connection in Fusion or do we have to handle it manually?

2022-04-07 05:10:21

In PUN there was a straight forward method PhotonNetwork.ReconnectAndRejoinwhich handled the player's re-connection automatically. Is there a similar way to handle player re-connection in Fusion? If not then what could be the best way to achieve it.


2022-04-07 12:57:13

Hi @Siddhant ,

Currently, there is no similar API in Photon Fusion, you need to handle it manually.

The workflow would be:

If you disconnect or get disconnected, Fusion will Shutdown and invoke the OnShutdown

  • callback;

  • From there, you must dispose/destroy the old NetworkRunner instance;

  • Create a new NetworkRunner, and start it again using the same Session ID used to connect the first time.


Ramon Melo

Photon Fusion Team

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