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About what fusion can do?

2022-04-06 06:47:43

Hi, I'm starting new BR game project, I estimate that will have max 10k user. I'm considering choosing Fusion, after look into the intro and the documents, I still have some question.

  • I want to use a Dedicated server, how does this work, does it work like, my dedi-sv connect to photon cloud along with clients and do the communication with the clients through photon cloud?

  • Do fusion support match-making system, and how can I deploy that, does it work like PUN2 matchmaking system

  • Is there any document or sample specify for the dedicated server case?

  • What is the cost?

Thank you!


2022-04-06 10:09:53

Hi @ntquang1999 ,

I want to use a Dedicated server, how does this work, does it work like, my dedi-sv connect to photon cloud along with clients and do the communication with the clients through photon cloud?

Photon Fusion has support for direct connections using our NAT Punchthrough implementation, meaning that most (around 95%+) of the clients will connect directly with your dedicated server, so there is no usage of the Photon Cloud for gameplay communication.

In the cases where a direct connection is not possible, then the connection will fall back to a relay connection (using the Photon Cloud), so your client is always able to play the game.

In summary, the Photon Cloud service will be used mainly for matchmaking purposes.

Do fusion support match-making system, and how can I deploy that, does it work like PUN2 matchmaking system

Yes, the exact same kind of matchmaking system, both PUN and Fusion make use of Photon Realtime underneath, so most of the features will be available using a Fusion API.

Take a look here for more information about the Fusion Matchmaking API:

There is still some areas for improvement, but all the basics are already available.

Is there any document or sample specify for the dedicated server case?

Running Fusion in a "dedicated" manner is just easy as starting the simulation using "GameMode.Server". This will start Fusion with no local player, which will create a Session in the Photon Cloud to be joined by other clients.

We also provide some simple scripts as a starting point here:

It just shows a sample code to read arguments from the Command Line, that later can be used to set up the Fusion Server.

What is the cost?

The costs are the same as all Photon products, they are all based on CCUs.

Here you can find more information about the pricing:


Ramon Melo

Photon Fusion Team

2022-04-06 13:41:41

Thank you

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