Matchmaking doesn't work Photon Fusion

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2022-04-01 07:51:37

Im trying to make a simple room system in photon fusion. However I ran into a problem, when I try to start a client after joining a session i get an error.

Here is the object that handles all of the matchmaking.

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using Fusion;

using TMPro;

using Fusion.Sockets;

using System;

public class Connecting : MonoBehaviour, INetworkRunnerCallbacks


public void OnPlayerJoined(NetworkRunner runner, PlayerRef player)


Debug.Log("a new Player");


public void OnPlayerLeft(NetworkRunner runner, PlayerRef player) { }

public void OnInput(NetworkRunner runner, NetworkInput input) { }

public void OnInputMissing(NetworkRunner runner, PlayerRef player, NetworkInput input) { }

public void OnShutdown(NetworkRunner runner, ShutdownReason shutdownReason) { }

public void OnConnectedToServer(NetworkRunner runner) { }

public void OnDisconnectedFromServer(NetworkRunner runner) { }

public void OnConnectRequest(NetworkRunner runner, NetworkRunnerCallbackArgs.ConnectRequest request, byte[] token) { }

public void OnConnectFailed(NetworkRunner runner, NetAddress remoteAddress, NetConnectFailedReason reason) { }

public void OnUserSimulationMessage(NetworkRunner runner, SimulationMessagePtr message) { }

public void OnSessionListUpdated(NetworkRunner runner, List sessionList) { }

public void OnCustomAuthenticationResponse(NetworkRunner runner, Dictionary<string, object> data) { }

public void OnHostMigration(NetworkRunner runner, HostMigrationToken hostMigrationToken) { }

public void OnReliableDataReceived(NetworkRunner runner, PlayerRef player, ArraySegment data) { }

public void OnSceneLoadDone(NetworkRunner runner) { }

public void OnSceneLoadStart(NetworkRunner runner) { }

public string roomID;

public TMP_InputField startInput;

public TMP_InputField joinInput;

public TMP_InputField NickNameInput;

bool nickProvided = false;

public string nick;

private string randomNick;

// Start is called before the first frame update

void Start()



randomNick = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 99f).ToString();


private void Update()


if (NickNameInput.text == ""|| NickNameInput.textnull || NickNameInput.text " ")


nickProvided = false;




nickProvided = true;


if (nickProvided == false)


nick = randomNick;



nick = NickNameInput.text;


public void StartHost(NetworkRunner runner)


runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs()


GameMode = GameMode.Host,

SessionName = startInput.text,

CustomLobbyName = startInput.text







public void JoinLobby(NetworkRunner runner)


runner.JoinSessionLobby(SessionLobby.Custom, joinInput.text);

runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs()


GameMode = GameMode.Client,

SessionName = runner.SessionInfo.Name





Here is all the code im using to handle matchmaking.

The game works fine when I try to host a game however when I try to join the same game from the build i get an error. I also get the same error even if the room im trying to join doesnt exist. The error occures as soon as it read this

runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs()


GameMode = GameMode.Client,

SessionName = runner.SessionInfo.Name


Pls help


2022-04-01 15:07:55


SessionName = runner.SessionInfo.Name

Should not be valid, because you haven't started your runner yet , so it doesn't have a SessionInfo to look at.

Have you already take a look at our samples and Fusion 100 tutorial series?

Fusion 102 (Basic setup for host) ->

Application loop Sample ->

Matchmaking API ->


Isaac Augusto

Photon Fusion Team

2022-04-02 09:14:32

Isaac_Augusto 2022-04-01T15:07:55+00:00


SessionName = runner.SessionInfo.Name

Should not be valid, because you haven't started your runner yet , so it doesn't have a SessionInfo to look at.

Have you already take a look at our samples and Fusion 100 tutorial series?

Fusion 102 (Basic setup for host) ->

Application loop Sample ->

Matchmaking API ->


Isaac Augusto

Photon Fusion Team

At first I thought this didn't solve my problem since I already tried replacing

SessionName = runner.SessionInfo.Name

with a fixed string and that didn't help since I was getting the same error. But of all the three links you provided I realized that I haven't visited the Fusion 102 (Basic setup for host), and there I found the solution!

Thank you for your help!

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