Current room's custom properties aren't changing

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Current room's custom properties aren't changing

2022-03-29 20:02:42

[Unity 2020.3.32 & PUN 2 2.39]


First of all, sorry for bad english and dumb mistakes due to my inexperience with photon.

So I've been trying to make a little multiplayer game to play with my friends. It uses a procedural generated map, so I need to have a common seed among the players in order to have this procedural generated map to be constant.

To set this seed, I've found the most convenient way to store it is to use CurrentRoom.CustomProperties, but I've been having problems with this, so I've been troubleshooting and searching in the internet for solutions during the last couple of days and I've come up with two "solutions" to this problem, but each one of them have their own problems;

#1, the problem with this one is that the custom properties aren't changing at all:

Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();




int tempSeed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100000);

hash["seed"] = tempSeed ;



seed = (int)PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["seed"];

#2, the problem with this one is that only the client that sets the seed (MasterClient in this case), is able to read it, and I've read in some places that changing the PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties[(string)] directly is not recommended:

Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();




int tempSeed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100000);

PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["seed"] = tempSeed ;


seed = (int)PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["seed"];

Thanks for reading! Any help is appreciated :)


2022-03-30 09:51:25

Approach #1 should be fine. Make sure to only set the seed once, not every frame (don't do this in Update). The value is no longer changed immediately on the client which sets it, so all clients get the prop value from the server at about the same time. There is a callback for when the property changed.

In the PUN 2 package, we've got a Procedural Demo. This should do what you need.

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