How to disable development mode on unity editor?

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How to disable development mode on unity editor?

2022-03-27 14:55:19


After the latest update of PUN 2, development mode is activated when entering play mode in the editor.

I look at the game after entering play mode to get errors that occur in the released app.

But after the update I can't seem to do this at all. When entering play mode, development mode is forcibly activated.

Is there any way to disable this in editor?


2022-03-27 16:02:44

Sorry guys.

Even if the old version of gameVersion and the newer version of gameVersion match, they cannot meet.

I was mistaken. My question was not good.

2022-03-28 13:34:53

We have a Matchmaking Checklist, which should cover all conditions. Hope that helps.

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