How to get and compare the custom properties of all players inside a room?

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How to get and compare the custom properties of all players inside a room?

2022-03-24 14:52:04

Hello, I'm trying to create a basic multiplayer game using Photon. I apologize if this is a silly question but I've been stumped already for 2 days. Inside the room, there should be an equal number of player for team 1 and team 2 before the button on the master client should be set to active. This button is what takes all the players to the actual game scene.

Each player has a custom property:

ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable playerPropTeam = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();    

each players can then set their team through a button

public void OnClickChangeTeam()        
        if ((int)playerPropTeam["playerTeam"] == 0)    
            playerPropTeam["playerTeam"] = teams.Length - 1;    
        } else    
            playerPropTeam["playerTeam"] = (int)playerPropTeam["playerTeam"] - 1;    

teams.Length is just 2 = 0 and 1. "0" is Team 1 while "1" is Team 2. This code is saved on a prefab playerItem.

On another script, the only conditions for my button is just this:

    private void Update()    
        if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient && PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount >= 2)    

TLDR; I want the play button to only be active if there are equal numbers of players inside the room with a custom properties of: playerPropTeam[playerTeam] = 0 and playerPropTeam[playerTeam] = 1

appreciate any help thanks!


2022-03-28 07:17:06

Welps we can use:


to access a custom property of local player in another script and make a system around that xD

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