How to create global lobby system with fusion

edited March 2022 in Fusion

I was wondering how to make battle royal match making system like that using fusion and detected server and client (brawl stars like matchmaking system)

  • I thought I can make all the players join a lobby "Main lobby" when they open the game.
  • when player click on the play button ask for session in the lobby if found the player will join if not will create new one put I don't know how to run new server to create that session to control match and map info and player data and how to shut down that server after the session ends.
  • when the session have 50 plater the game will start all player will spawn the map.

I don't know if that is the best architecture to to that but what I don't know how to do is how to create lobby team system that can make the players team up in the lobby and how to make the team logic in the session I thought I can create match class that have list of teams but I don't know how to make that with fusion.

I know that can be more kind obvious with photon self host server but I think fusion will help with the game simulation and I think it was made for fast base shooters, am I right?

I am open for your suggestions in how can I make that system using fusion.



  • ramonmelo

    Hi @thedragon7ell ,

    There are a few ways you can create a system similar to what you are describing:

    1. Photon Fusion supports the Shared Mode, which can be used for your "Main Lobby". In this mode, there is no need for a Dedicated Server and players can join a Game Session using just its name. Keep in mind that you need to be reasonable in the number of players you include per Session, so you may need several "Lobbies";
    2. For the Game itself, you can either have already running Dedicated Servers, which your players can just connect to, or, have an orchestration system in place, and for that, you can use Gameye, PlayFab, Gamelift among others. There is no integration with none of these systems available, but it should be easy enough to follow their documentation and run a Fusion Server there. By using one of these services, you should be able to spawn news Servers based on the number of player requests, for example, making it scale when necessary.
    3. About the game start check, that really depends on your Game Server logic.

    That would be the overall architecture, but it really depends on how you will handle all the details of it.


    Ramon Melo

    Photon Fusion Team