Grab an object
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Grab an object
2022-02-24 07:30:02
Hi !
I have object "X" in my scene. He has the following properties:
Photon Rigidbody View
XR Grab Network Interactable (I override the class by adding the following):
protected override void OnSelectEntered(XRBaseInteractor interactor)
So all works good but, When I want to duplicate (i mean-Instantiate) "X" and assign him to different object I have the following errors:
1.) PhotonView ID duplicate found: 1. New: View 1 on X(Clone) (scene) old: View 1 on X(scene). Maybe one wasn't destroyed on scene load?! Check for 'DontDestroyOnLoad'. Destroying old entry, adding new.
2.) InvalidOperationException: Duplicate key 1
ExitGames.Client.Photon.NonAllocDictionary`2[K,V].Add (K key, V val) (at <4c05f01c27d1415bafcda4c1ab7160e0>:0)
Use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate() on a prefab, to get unique networked objects.
The duplicate key happens because you duplicate a networked object and thus assign the viewID. It can't be stored under the same ID twice, however.
Thank you for your answer.
My problem is that I need object "X" will be a network object for others to see it or use it before/after me.
When I am using it I want to duplicate it.
If I cant do it, How can I have a reference/name of the object I just grab?
If I can get the network object name for example I can instantiate it directly from resources/online source without the error. (and not instantiate the original network object)
Am I right?
The PhotonView.viewID is the reference. With it, you can find the related object. If it stores the name of it's prefab somewhere, you can instantiate that.
Thank you !
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