NetworkRunner ShutdownAction


NetworkRunner shouldn't change the scene on ShutdownAction. My company projects use multiple scenes and calling SceneManager.LoadScene(0) breaks everything.


  • ramonmelo

    Hi @Eldirfar ,

    Can you elaborate?

    Fusion does not change scenes automatically, it only changes if the Server explicitly makes the change.


    Ramon Melo

    Photon Fusion Team

  • Eldirfar

    NetworkRunner is calling SceneManager.LoadScene(0) explicitly. Please look at internal IEnumerator ShutdownWithCleanupCoroutine()

  • ramonmelo

    Hi @Eldirfar ,

    This specific internal method is used for debugging only purposes, that is why it is associated with the "Shutdown" button on the NetworkRunner component.

    In order to shut down your Runner instance, just call the "<runner_insntance>.Shutdown()" method directly.

    This will make the Fusion Runner disconnect from the cloud, and shut down, stopping the simulation.


    Ramon Melo

    Photon Fusion Team