How can I sync scenes for players joining later ?


Hello, I recently started working on a wario ware style game, where you play minigames in fast succession. I managed to get the loading of scenes working and everything is synced. The problem is that when players join the room later, they do not join the same scene where other players are (they instead join the waiting room and cannot join the game). How should I go about implementing this?

Best Answer


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    I guess you could use the built in scene synchronization for this, where you enable AutomaticallySyncScene and use the Master Client to change scenes.

    This is shown in the PUN Basics Tutorial.

  • ILog

    Thank you for your response ! It works very well, but if I do multiple times PhotonNetwork.LoadScene(), wouldn’t that load a lot of scenes before getting to the right one?