players can't connect to each other
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players can't connect to each other
2021-11-29 08:06:03
hi,we made a pvp online game with photon that has two game mode, after you select your game mode you should wait for other player or if any other player be waiting in that mode you will connect to each other and when room has 2 player it will be close and game will start;
but some times players can't find each other and both players will create room and will wait for another player , it didn't happen before but recently this happens for no reason.
we reviewed all scripts but that's not the problem because it some times works correctly but some times doesn't work for no reason; and sorry for bad Grammer , my English isn't good enough.
Hi @omid3232,
Thank you for choosing Photon!
Make sure both clients are joined to the same Region and use the same AppId / AppVersion.
Read more in our Matchmaking Checklist.
hi @JohnTube , thanks for your response, app id and app versions are same in both of clients, and default server is EU in photon settings, it will connect all clients to EU region is it right?
and it doesn't happen always and sometimes it fixes with out any changes,i mean it didn't work yesterday but maybe it works today with same exported apk file without any changes.
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