Players can't get their own nicknames



I'm working on a turn based, async game with PUN2. I am testing with two players, one using the Unity Editor and one as a build on macOS. I set each player's nicknames using PhotonNetwork.NickName = "some string". Initially, this works fine, both players can print both players nicknames using PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.GetPlayer(i).NickName. However, if I stop the editor and restart, then both the editor player and the build player can see eachother's name, but their own name is appearing as an empty string. Any idea why this might be?

p1 console output of PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.GetPlayer(i).ToString():

#01 ''

#02 'Player-6220'

p2 output:

#01 'build'

#02 ''

Interestingly, if I look at the save data, I can see both nicknames being saved:

"ActorCounter": 2,

 "ActorList": [


   "ActorNr": 1,



    "1": {

     "255": "build",

     "food": 0,

     "nf": 0,

     "ns": 0,

     "nw": 0,

     "stone": 0,

     "su": [



     "tn": 4,

     "tt": 0,

     "wood": 0



   "DeactivationTime": "2021-11-21T05:52:03.5949435+00:00",

   "Nickname": "build",

   "UserId": "3c5105fdb8dbb429da2d0e15e37c9417"



   "ActorNr": 2,



    "1": {

     "255": "Player-6220",

     "food": 0,

     "nf": 0,

     "ns": 0,

     "nw": 0,

     "stone": 0,

     "su": [



     "tn": 2,

     "tt": 0,

     "wood": 0



   "DeactivationTime": "2021-11-21T05:52:42.3337649+00:00",

   "Nickname": "Player-6220",

   "UserId": "6cf59aea91a7d46909e2669904e540b5"