PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection(playerToKick) does not remove player from room

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2021-10-28 15:27:53

I am trying to implement a 'kick player' function to a room for the host. I have read through the forums and the only answer I can find is using  PhotonNetwork.CloseConnection. However, this does not remove the player from the room. Please can you advise how to remove the player? My code is below:

public void OnClick_CallKick()



print("Kick Button Clicked");


private void Kick(TMP_InputField inputField)


if (inputField == null)


return; // log error?


string nickname = inputField.text;



private void Kick(string nickname)


if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickname))


return; // log error?


foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Player> player in PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.Players)


if (player.Value != PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer) //checking if this is the local player in question


if (nickname.Equals(player.Value.NickName))


print("Kicking " + player.Value);







private void KickingPlayer(Player playerToKick)


if (!PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)


return; // log error?


print("Closing connection for " + playerToKick.NickName);

//not working

PhotonNetwork.EnableCloseConnection = true;




[Deleted User]
2021-10-29 00:29:36

Hi, depending on what version of PUN you are using, Photon recently pushed an update to have CloseConnection disabled by default (for good reason). CloseConnection is a clientside based kick, meaning it does not involve the server authority at all other than just transmitting the event.

This means every client needs to have EnableCloseConnection as true. I advise putting this in a constructor somewhere when the game starts, you could even put it in the PhotonNetwork constructor. Just remember that changing the enable bool locally does not change it for everyone else.

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