public ip address of client

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public ip address of client

2012-07-24 02:49:45

Hello everyone,

is there a way to get the public ip address of the photon client?

I would like to have statistics of players connected to the same room with their public IP addresses. I haven't found any information on the topic in photon documentation. Users can be behind NAT so I need to ask external server for that and my question is if there is way to ask a Photon server/cloud?

I am using a cloud with Unity3d.



2012-07-24 08:54:50

The Photon Server has this info per peer but by default doesn't send it back to clients. This can be done with the server SDK easily. The Photon Cloud does not support this. You could do this work on the clients, using a "my public IP" service but not directly with the Photon Cloud.

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