Best way to control a shell (bullet)


Hi all,

I have a set of tanks working nicely in a networked setup. Because tanks fire shells, I have to rely on shells and collision detection instead of raycasting, but I've run into difficulties:

I have set up the shell as gameobject with rigidbody with a Photon View and Photon Transform View - but have deselected synchronise options so no extra network traffic is sent.

I instantiate this shell (when client presses firebutton) using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate (works good)

I allow the clients to control the shell (rigid body is given force when shell is instantiated with a shell control script) which works good.

I then check for collisions on the shell control script - if the shell hits a tank (tagged), I get the photonView of the collider object , I do an RPC call to it (the tank) and deal damage which works ok.

I then instantiate an explosion from the shellscript using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate, then destroy the shell calling Destroy(gameObject)

The explosion destroys itself with a script attacched that calls Destroy (gameObject) after 3 secs.

Two problems:

Sometimes two explosions are instantiated - I am breaking out of foreach loop as soon as I find a tank collision, then Instantiating the explosion (using Photon.Instantiate) , then destroying the shell using Destroy (gameObject);

I know there is a better way of doing this and my code has become a bit messy, but hoping someone has found a good way to:

  1. spawn bullets that are controlled by clients (to keep network traffic down)
  2. know what object they've hit (by checking tag and then getting its photonView)
  3. calling an RPC for that object to tell it the player who shot the shell/owned the shell

Scripts attached:

Movement - which is on tank and has RPC calls

shellCOntrolNilNetowrk - shell control script (bad name I know)

Destroy Explosion - sits on Explosion to kill object after 3 secs or so (not sure if this needs to be PhotonNetwork Destroy or just Destroy)

Rigidbody on Shell is set to continuous