Receive data right before OnPhotonSerializeView

I have a bunch of objects (sceneObjects and player-owned) and I need to get owner's local time on the other clients before they receive data in OnPhotonSerializeView.
I dont want to use an obvious solution (send local time in OnPhotonSerializeView for each object), because It will consume a lot of traffic.
Instead I would like to pass local time through some single object with photonView (lets call it "TimeSyncer") and then just refer to it on onter objects.
The problem is - I'm not sure if TimeSyncer sends and receives data in OnPhotonSerializeView before other objects.
So the question is - is there any way to
1) ensure that TimeSyncer sends and receives data in OnPhotonSerializeView before others?
2) pass the data before OnPhotonSerializeView being called on every object in some other way?
Thank you!
