Some questions related to photon fusion

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2021-08-18 17:32:46

  1. I don't See Photon Fusion Anywhere on the Photon Engine Page/Photon Products There is no mention of it?
  2. Is Photon Fusion Same like Pun I mean do we have to host it on our own or its self hosted by photon for us?
  3. Any Good Video Tutorials on it?
  4. Any Pricing Idea? of Photon Fusion
  5. Does photon fusion has inbuilt host migration and if not then how can i implement it as its a really important feature without this feature it doesn't matter if a game could handle upto 200 players with 60 hertz as once the host get disconnected all they left is with nothing...

Please answer all the questions with their Number to Avoid any sort of Confusion
And Thanks In Advance


2021-08-19 07:25:46

@TesterTesting I was strongly encouraged to use Fusion, so I can provide you with the link :
Note that it is still in beta

2021-08-19 10:17:15

@DoubleA i already seen that page but these were the questions in mind even after going through it so the ans was not clear to me please Ans them...with number

2021-08-23 09:23:11


  1. We're working on the product page. Will be added soon.
  2. Fusion only works over photon cloud. It has both shared mode (client authority like PUN), and tradition client-server with server authority (a Unity instance being the server). Even client server requires photon cloud due to punch-through, host migration and other features.
  3. We're working on this. There are a couple of FPS videos I recorded some time ago that are still valid because the principles do not change.
  4. Pricing has been shared in our official Discord server. Will also be added to the product page.
  5. Yes, it will have host migration. This feature is not released yet, but it will be added before the final/stable version is released.

2021-08-25 03:26:02

@erickpassos Nice, Thanks For your Ans

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