Photon Fusion

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2021-08-17 10:39:30

I was wondering if there was a way in Fusion to have a list of the rooms already created, and have access to their name.


2021-08-17 11:24:47

Hi @DoubleA.

Thank you for choosing Photon!

Currently you can only create a Room and join it by Name.
Here is the snippet if you have the room name:

_runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs() {GameMode = mode, SessionName = roomName, ObjectPool = _pool});  

We will expose eventually a kind of Room listing with filters and Random Join based on params.

2021-08-17 12:07:47

Hi @JohnTube

Thank you for your answer. Is there an ETA for this "eventually" ? :) I was told there is supposed to be a release version next month, will it arrive before that ?

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