Received RPC "" for viewID 1 but this PhotonView does not exist!

Hey guys,
I already made a discussion but it seemes like it got deleted so here we go again, cause its my first time with photon and i have no idea what im doing:

I want to make a lobby system with 2 teams to join. My try is to send an RPC everytime somebody joins either of the team with the playername, which team and if he joined or left the team, so everybody can update their own list. I dont think this is optimal but i want to get it working first before trying much. I will maybe do it differently like everytime somebody joins, he send every name he knows for team 1 and for team 2 and so even new players can update the lists if the rpc get buffered. Or I just use PhotonViews smarter, but I have no idea what exactly they are doing, just a general idea that you need them in order to see things online.

Everytime somebody joins the room 1 TeamManager gets instatiated which has a photonview component attached to it.

This is the code that gets called, when 1 player wants to join team 1:
if (photonView.IsMine)
    photonView.RPC("ReloadLists", RpcTarget.All, PhotonNetwork.NickName, true, true);

and this is the RPC:
    public void ReloadLists(string name, bool team1, bool add)
        if (team1)
            if (add)

but if i try this with 2 programs it registeres both photonviews with 1001 and 2001 but then the warning gets output
Received RPC "ReloadLists" for viewID 1 but this PhotonView does not exist! Was remote PV. Remote called. By: #01 'player' Maybe GO was destroyed but RPC not cleaned up.
and I have no idea where the View id 1 come from.

Any help would be appreciated.♥