[HELP!] "NewScene Clean XXXX" error kicking Player from game

Hello, dear Photon Community! I've been developing my game with Photon and am pretty happy so far.
I'm here today asking for help because I've stumbled upon an error that has me worried about its randomness.

The game is kicking the Master Client (P2, who joined the room last) when interacting with a GameObject that contains a Photon View. P1 can interact with the GameObject just fine.
Said PV Ownership Transfer option is set to Takeover. LoadScene or Destroy aren't being called anywhere at this time.
I'm not trying to change scenes from either of the clients at the moment of the error.

I have
PhotonNetwork.AutomaticallySyncScene = true;
on my GameManager

and there are my RoomOptions
RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions() { CustomRoomProperties = customProperties, IsVisible = true, MaxPlayers = maxPlayersPerRoom, CleanupCacheOnLeave = false, PlayerTtl = -1};

I did try to clear and refresh the RPC list from the Photon Editor Settings but didn't seem to do the trick. I did manage to clear all Duplicate Key errors with Photon Views so it doesn't seem to be a Photon View conflict. Not sure!

The error starts when InteractRPC gets called which causes the whole game to crash on Master Client. It started happening without making noticeable changes to the project.
I've tried removing InteractRPC from the stack but it persists all the same.

Here's the log file where the error can be seen a line 2352 and probable starting cause at 2345 which results in the destruction of my game core Game Objects. The log is from Master Client.

Any hints on what might have been missed or screwed up?
Thank y'all!


  • Tobias
    For some reason, a new scene does get loaded.
    PUN doesn't do that unless your Master Client loads a new scene (and AutomaticallySyncScene = true).

    There is not much info we can use to help you. There is no disconnect / timeout in the log, so that's not likely the cause.

    "The game is kicking the Master Client" this is very confusing to read, as it does not precisely describe what's happening. Let us know what happens in Photon terms and we might give better hints.