Curl Error 65
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Curl Error 65
2021-07-31 10:21:21
I'm getting the following error randomly when using Photon Chat.
Curl error 65: necessary data rewind wasn't possible
0x00007ff69dbec36c (Unity) StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack
0x00007ff69dbf4749 (Unity) StackWalker::ShowCallstack
0x00007ff69f0dd27c (Unity) GetStacktrace
0x00007ff6a01df9b3 (Unity) DebugStringToFile
0x00007ff69e35c954 (Unity) TransformCurlErrorToWebError
0x00007ff69e3596d6 (Unity) CurlExecutor::CurlExecute
0x00007ff69d234adb (Unity) JobQueue::Exec
0x00007ff69d23c6f2 (Unity) JobQueue::Steal
0x00007ff69d2354a0 (Unity) JobQueue::ExecuteJobFromQueue
0x00007ff69d2370eb (Unity) JobQueue::ProcessJobs
0x00007ff69d23daff (Unity) JobQueue::WorkLoop
0x00007ff69d87b4d5 (Unity) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
0x00007fff36517034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007fff37882651 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
I am using Photon Chat to communicate between game clients, and not as a player to player chat service. This mostly includes sending JSON blobs of room states outside of a PUN room, so that players can be aware of something happening in a lobby they just left. Anyway, there's pitifully little info on this error in Unity and nothing I search for yields any results.
Hey @steamcore,
Sorry we missed this discussion before...
I think this is not related to Photon Chat or Photon.
Did you manage to get rid of it?
Probably a Unity issue.