Rooms not showing

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Rooms not showing

2021-07-18 12:32:27

Sometimes, a player creates a room and on 10 players, only 4 will see the room in the RoomList.
I've tried to understand the problem through Unity and in the OnRoomListUpdate function, I receive 0 room in the list of rooms, obvisouly means there's a problem.
I've found other people facing the same issue but never found the solution.
The weird thing is that if I try with the same exact version the next day, it will works and everyone will see the room.

So does anyone know from where this temporary problem comes from ?


2021-07-19 10:06:52

This happened few times for me as well. the reason was photon tries to select best region based on ping and sometimes players use to connect to different regions and unable to find each other's room. So during testing phase , we added just one region name in PhotonSettings "Fixed region" field. and whitelisted only one region in photon dashboard.

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