Authentication Token Issue

Keep getting this error, ReturnCode: 32767 (Authentication token is missing). Parameters: {} Server: MasterServer Address:

AuthenticationValues authValues = new AuthenticationValues();
authValues.AuthType = CustomAuthenticationType.Custom;
authValues.UserId = id;
PhotonNetwork.AuthValues = authValues;

The above is my code I am using before calling PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(). I use it for PhotonNetwork.FindFriends() later on and it works fine there.


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2021
    Hi @BbH,

    If you are not using the latest PUN 2 please update to 2.30 (see this post).
    Also if you don't have a custom authentication provider configured no need to set AuthType to Custom.
    As I don't see any authentication parameters or payload sent by client.
    Photon's internal authentication token is different from optional custom authentication. See here for more details.
    But if you do use custom authentication, do you return Data from the authentication provider endpoint but with ResultCode:0?
  • BbH
    edited May 2021
    I changed things a bit and using this for custom authentication

    It does return me a token, but after calling PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings() I am still getting same error.