PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel don't work in build

I'm really stuck, and can't figure it out. I'm loading my game scene from my menu scene with PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel(sceneName); . In the unity editor, it takes a whole minute to load. In complete build, it is completely stuck in the loading phase (both windows and mac standalone). Any advice or direction is welcome.


  • Oren

  • Oren
    This is the message from the log file, once I construct a development build

    [32.381] SupportLogger Rtt(variance): 26(10). Since receive: 220ms. Longest send: 2ms. Stats elapsed: 60sec.
    Longest delta between Send: 137ms Dispatch: 487ms. Longest callback OnEv: 226=7ms OnResp: 0=6ms. Calls of Send: 1731 Dispatch: 2007. Ping min/max: 15/43
    UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/StackTrace.cs:37)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
    UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
    Photon.Realtime.SupportLogger:LogStats () (at /Users/orenpoliva/Desktop/WackyRace/Assets/Photon/PhotonRealtime/Code/SupportLogger.cs:194)