How to remove players on disconnect or leave room?

I'm having trouble removing players when they leave the room or disconnect. Players are being created by the NetworkManager when a new scene is loaded using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(remotePlayer ...)
For some reason when the player is disconnected, the remotePlayer is not destroyed.
I do see that OnPlayerLeftRoom is being called, but I'm unable to remove the player there because I do not own the player.

I've tried removing the player in two places, one on the NetworkManager, and one on the remotePlayer, and neither work.

public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player otherPlayer)

Debug.Log("NetworkPlayerv3: OnPlayerLeftRoom");

if (otherPlayer.ActorNumber == photonView.OwnerActorNr)
Debug.Log("PhotonNetwork Destroy Player");

Part of the problem for me is otherPlayer passed in OnPlayerLeftRoom only contains the ActorNumber and I can't get access to the gameObject or photonView of otherPlayer.

I could try to build a dictionary that connects all photonViews to player ActorNumbers but this seems like a lot to manage and should have a way to do this built in to Photon.

What is the proper way to destroy a player during disconnects or when they leave the room?