Photon View ID is lost after respawning players

I have a problem with photon view id after respawning player. There is a lobby scene to connect all players, and then the scene is reloading to the main battle scene after connecting players into a room. After the main scene is loaded, players can see each other, can move, and so on. After a few seconds (30-60) battle begins and it is necessary to locate all the players to their spawn positions and set all theirs params (hp, weapons) to defaults. So at this point, I have to "respawn" all players (call [PUN Rpc] function that sets transforms rotations and positions to defaults). After all these stages players stop synchronizing, their gameobjects are still on the scene but photon view IDs are lost and I can see this message:

"Received OnSerialization for view ID [number] We have no such photon view."

Any ideas for this issue? As I find more information, I will add it to this post. Thanks!