Photon Cloud's server information

I am using Photon Cloud and I need to know the address of the host server for a reason.
So I used the PhotonNetwork.ServerAddress to look it up and found that it is not always the same.

I am getting the below three addresses.

I am setting the Fixed Region on the PhotonServerSettings to "jp" and, "Tcp" for Protocol.

I want to know if there are more host addresses.
If there are more, I want a list of all the possible host addresses.
Or is there a way I can lock it to use a single host?

Also, I need a list of the ports used.
I know it is listed in the bellow URL, but I just want to check if this is all.

I thought of using a self-hosted server, but I need to use Photon Cloud for the time being.



  • Tobias
    The Photon Cloud is called "cloud" as it is a bunch of machines which may change anytime.
    So the list of hosts is not static and you are not supposed to rely on this list.

    If you got a case where you think you still need info, get in touch with us by mail and let us know your argument for having such a list. Maybe we have to setup an Enterprise Cloud for you, in which you can know all server addresses, because you book them.

    Hosting yourself is also an option.
    The ports are as listed in the Public Cloud and you can choose them freely in your own custom setup.
  • Thank you for your reply. I would like to send more information about this and I would like to know about the Enterprise Cloud, so I will send an email.