PUN automatically destroy every network object without my action

Hi , I'm trying to make an online fps game with PUN2.
I have read a lot of discussions and passages , but unfortunately I couldn't find the solution.
When the game starts ( have a fixed number of player ) , I used photon to instantiate a singleton manager as a room object . Then the manager will network-instantiate all players and transfer ownership to the corresponding player . When the transfer was down , every player can control their character and everything looks good . But just within a few seconds , all network objects are destroyed in every client just like the player leaves the room . No error was logged . The scene is still there and just the player disappear . What problem it could be ?


  • Tobias
    You can turn on the SupportLogger component in the settings. It's likely the master client dropped out of the game/room and you didn't notice. This would destroy the networked objects this client created.

    I assume you are updating a lot of objects and run into a disconnect. Hard to say without some metrics about networked objects, messages and so on. Check if you accidentally created a loop of RPC calling.

    PUN 2 is not the perfect base for a FPS. You'd have to implement all advanced techniques to make shooters feel balanced in terms of network code / lag handling. Currently, I would recommend Photon Bolt for that.