Local Player Disconnect

Hi @JohnTube
I have a question. Although documentation says:
On the local client that soft-disconnected:
If PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.AutoCleanUp == false:
Nothing changes. You need to do manual clean up.

However on the local client who disconnects, all the networked objects are destroyed. I expect all objects stays in scene. Is it a bug? However, on the remote player, objects are not destroyed. I want same for local player. My room options:
RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions();
options.MaxPlayers = 2;
options.PublishUserId = true;
options.CleanupCacheOnLeave = false;
options.PlayerTtl = RECOVERY_TIME * 1000;
options.EmptyRoomTtl = EMPTY_ROOM_TTL * 1000;