Weapon pickups?
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Weapon pickups?
2021-01-31 18:48:59
I'd like my player to be able to pick up weapons from the ground, but I don't know how I should synchronise this. How can I allow weapons to be picked up?
2021-02-02 11:27:40
It's really up to you how you should do this. Let's say if you wanted your characters to automatically pickup a weapon when you touch it, you'd do something like this:
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
if (other.gameObject.GetComponent<PhotonView>().Owner.IsLocal) { //Are we the player that touch this object?
int targetPlayerID = photonView.ViewID; // reference to targetPlayer.
photonView.RPC("RPC_PlayerPickedUpWeapon", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, targetPlayerID);
private void RPC_PlayerPickedUpWeapon(int tarPly) {
PhotonView tarPlyPV = PhotonView.Find(tarPly);
if (tarPlyPV.gameObject != null) { //make sure player is active before proceeding
gameObject.transform.parent = tarPlyPV.gameObject.transform; //parent object
gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.zero; //reset pos
gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; // reset rot
Just some untested pseudo code. Hopefully this gives you the right idea.
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